Harvest Subprocessors

In order to provide our Software-as-a-Service time-tracking and invoicing platform (the "Platform") to our customers, Harvest engages the Subprocessors listed in the table below.  

"Subprocessors" are third parties that we engage and provide access to the personal information you upload to the Platform in order to provide the Platform to you. 

Name Function
Zendesk Customer Communications
Amazon Web Services Infrastructure Partner
Google Cloud Infrastructure Partner
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure Partner
StitchData Infrastructure Partner
Mailgun Infrastructure Partner
Customer.io Marketing processor
Hubspot Marketing processor
Braintree / PayPal Payments processor
Hiveway Inc. Payments processor
Stripe Payments processor
Plaid Payments processor
Google Marketing Platform Product Analytics
Pendo Product Analytics
Maxmind Security Partner
UserVoice Customer Communications
Heap Product Analytics
Idiomatic Customer Feedback Analytics 

As Harvest grows and evolves, the Subprocessors we engage may also change. We will post such updates here. Please check back frequently for updates.